The Movement Disorder Foundation Scholarship

2024 The Movement Disorder Foundation Scholarship


This scholarship carries forward the legacy of the Movement Disorder Foundation and the person who inspired it - cerebal palsy sufferer, Peter Hains. It was the objective of the Movement Disorder Foundation to make a significant difference to all individuals living with a physical disability, and also to make a significant difference to the wider community so that those living with such disability find it easier to navigate the challenges of daily living. The Movement Disorder Foundation Scholarship Program has been established with the same vision - to ensure a substantial impact on both the individual and society through supporting students committed to improving the lives of people living with physical disabilities. 

Students with a physical disability from all areas of study are encouraged to apply, particularly those studying Medicine or Engineering, with 2 scholarships reserved specifically for these disciplines.

Open from 14/Jul/2023 to 19/May/2024