McLoughlin Minerva Scholarship for Sportswomen

2024 McLoughlin Minerva Scholarship for Sportswomen



Christine McLoughlin, AM is partnering with the Minerva Network ("Minerva") to provide a scholarship to an elite female athlete to study at the University of Wollongong. Minerva is a network founded by Australian businesswomen who seek to support elite female athletes across all professional sports, on and off the field ( It was co-founded and is chaired by
Christine McLoughlin, AM. Minerva focuses on three key values: Collaboration, Authenticity and Generosity of Heart.

Minerva and Christine McLoughlin, AM have established the McLoughlin Minerva Scholarship for Sportswomen and will support one (1) female athlete at the University of Wollongong for up to 3 years. The successful candidate will join the Minerva Network and be provided with a professional woman mentor (on a pro-bono basis) as well as the opportunity to participate in Minerva Network development and networking programs. 

Selection will be based on application and interview.

Open from 30/Aug/2023 to 15/Oct/2023